There are many, many possible hazards that you may encounter at work, but this post is about the hazards of:
Slips, Trips and Falls.
Though tripping over something usually categorises a person as clumsy it is actually an incredibly easy thing to do.
In the workplace, tripping hazards can include:
Computer wires and other cables
Uneven carpet
Little steps without a warning like "Mind your step"
Bags and other bulky belongings left out beside a desk.
There is an easy way to help avoid someone you work with or a person of the public from falling, slipping or tripping.
- Make sure all cables are either taped down or stapled to the wall
- Have new carpet installed
- Put up a warning sign where unchangeable bumps are
- move all objects away from pathways where people walk by putting them either under desks or in lockers, if available